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Top 8 things to do in malta

Malta isn’t only a beautiful island for relaxing, lying on the beach and getting sunburned. Even if you may have heard that vacationers only drinking the whole day and go to party all night long believe me there are also so many different things you can do. And I’m sure you will enjoy the following top 8 things here in Malta.


Malta is a beautiful island, everyone who has ever been there agrees on that. But how beautiful is it really? These three hikes will present you the different parts of Malta, from the watchtowers of the north to the beautiful fishing villages of the south countryside.

Bellinii: A Letter

Dear students,


You guys have probably already heard about this place called “Bellinii”, but we are about to give you a better idea of what it is and why it is mentioned by everyone.

If you are looking for a good place to have fun and meet people from other nationalities, Bellinii is the best option for you.


First of all, you need to know that I’m not an astrologist. I was inspired by three different websites and I wrote my own descriptions of the Zodiac signs.

For me the Zodiac signs are true and I believe in many of the characteristics, but his should not be a 100% guaranteed guide for “How To Deal With People”. This is just an approximated description of the Zodiacs, which are not always 100% correct.


Public Transport

For those who want to get to their favourite destination easily, there are many possibilities like:  Buses, Ecabs, Taxis, Ferries.

In Malta there are lots of buses, ecabs, taxis or ferries, however, not all of them are on time, because they usually get stuck in the traffic jams.

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